

Kafka On The Shore


Kafka On The Shore
Haruki Murakami J. Philip Gabriel

Kafka on the Shore
Haruki Murakami

 Amazonからの案内は上の方へリンクするのですが、下の方はそのペーパーバック版みたいです。あまり値段が変わらないところが辛いところですが、持ち運びにはペーパーバックの方が良いですね。J. Philip Gabriel氏は何作か既に村上作品を手がけておられますが、柴田元幸氏は三浦雅士氏のインタビューで、ジェイ・ルービンの訳は良いが



 Publishers Weeklyの抜粋で、村上文学の特質について言及している部分を引用してみます。

Murakami likes to blur the boundary between the real and the surreal—we are treated to such oddities as fish raining from the sky; a forest-dwelling pair of Imperial Army soldiers who haven't aged since WWII; and a hilarious cameo by fried chicken king Colonel Sanders—but he also writes touchingly about love, loneliness and friendship. Occasionally, the writing drifts too far into metaphysical musings—mind-bending talk of parallel worlds, events occurring outside of time—and things swirl a bit at the end as the author tries, perhaps too hard, to make sense of things. But by this point, his readers, like his characters, will go just about anywhere Murakami wants them to, whether they "get" it or not.

 metaphysical musings—mind-bending talk of parallel worldsというところがうまく訳せませんが、結構的確に村上文学の本質とこの作品の長所短所をまとめていますね。私的には取り敢えず図書館の出てくる章だけを拾い読みしてみたいです。猫殺しはあまり読みたくないな。